Thursday, June 5, 2008

Back to the blogging scene

At last ! Master permitted me to post on my blog.. These past few days were a punishment of sorts. Master did not let me be intimate with him in any aspect except of course physically. Somehow my submissiveness put him off and he withdrew into his own shell. I was shut out completely to the extent that He did not interact with me for days on end. He forbade everything- intimacy, conversations, hugs, caresses,blogging... He flew to his hometown and left me here. As he left, he told me to evaluate myself and think over our relationship. I honestly felt secure and comfortable. I did NOT need to rethink at all. However, I just retained my faith in us and tried to live till He thought out His needs. Today he comes back to tell me He realizes the divinity of what we share..He needs nothing or none but me..

I was happy that He came back.believe me you.. But something inside me burst out sobbing- relief that he is back, sad that he needed to rethink..

However, thereafter the rains subsided, thunderstorm passed and peace reigned..He is mine as always, deliciously mine.. mine to savour, to yeild to..

I hope He never distances again from me this way. I hate it when You are away Saab, be with me na if not physically atleast dil se...